Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hello, everyone.  In this blog, I plan to chronicle my experiences in my first Maymester class - Applied Technologies in Library Practice.  Over the following weeks I will write about Web 2.0 technologies, their impact on libraries, and creative and effective ways to use these tools.  Full confession?  I have avoided social media in my personal life.  My only experience comes from a Twitter account I haven't used in four years.  However, I have dipped my toes into the deep pool of social media recently through regularly updating my library's Facebook page.  I hope that this class will teach me how to successfully provide interesting and informative content and use platforms like Twitter and Facebook to get the word out about libraries.


  1. I share your experience working on a library's social media accounts. It's actually put me off using social media personally as I'm always trying to post to all the different services at work. If you haven't, sign up for Vine. Twitter owns it but it's an interesting little video social media site and it has a pretty good app you can use on your phone to see funny, inspiring, and uplifting 6 second videos. For libraries, I can see it improving the public image by humanizing the things we do every day.

    1. I have heard of Vine and I have seen at least one library put it to good use with videos during special events. I hadn't thought about it before, but you are right - using social media to humanize libraries and librarians could really improve public image. I guess that means I need to get a smartphone.

  2. Hello Melissa!

    So far, your blog looks great! I, too hope to learn more about how to use various social media platforms to further my interests and understanding. Recently, I created Twitter account and I cannot seem to grasp how to use it. This course is fast-paced, but exciting! Yes, you gotta get a smartphone for the sake of using the apps that go along with these web accessible platforms...LOL:)

    1. I know I'll have to get a smartphone sooner or later! I've had my little flip phone for about ten years... Twitter is also strange to me, but I think I'm catching on about how to tweet, retweet, and other things. I keep forgetting to put the #MLIS7505 on my posts, though.
