Monday, May 25, 2015

Joomla: The Continuing Saga

On the one hand, I learned about something called Lorem Ipsum.  It is filler text created from a scrambled section of one of Cicero’s philosophical writings.  On the other hand, Joomla also had me scrambled for hours at a time as I tried to adjust pictures so that they looked… just… right… and very often they did not.

After signing up for Joomla’s demo, I watched the tutorial videos and followed along.  I tried downloading extensions and when that did not work, I borrowed a laptop and worked on my Joomla site from there, while watching the tutorials from my computer.  I downloaded the JCE and Akeeba extensions and tried JEvents and a newsletter extension, but did not end up using either of those.  I did successfully add events and teasers that showed pictures.  I also added a cool looking Search bar like the ones on real websites.

While wrestling with extensions and picture placement, I also finally came up with a theme for my website.  With my newfound appreciation for dummy text, I decided to embrace the chaos and dedicate my site to garbled Latin, meta books, and long dead guest authors, creating the Lorem Ipsum Library.

After a while, I started to catch on to the pattern of things on the Joomla Administrator site.  Once the major features were installed and the categories set up, editing and fixing things seemed to be a little more intuitive.  There were so many options and steps and pages and… stuff.  As I continued to create new things to put on the website, I grew paranoid that I would forget to go back and edit something.  (Like that newsletter option.)  Keeping the site simple and straightforward worked best for me.

My biggest problem, as seen in the picture at the top of the page, was a box of text going too far to the right.  Crazily enough, this was what plagued me for the majority of the time I worked on the site.  I just could not get the picture and the text to stay in the white box.  After using my best resources – my awesome classmates – I must have clicked something right, because the text lined right up.  Somehow.

What helped most (even beyond the tutorials) was keeping logged into my Twitter account and checking the class discussion boards every so often.  I got around a lot of problems by asking classmates or reading what someone else had asked.  While the tutorial videos did a good job of taking me step-by-step through how to set up a website, I did not dare wander off the beaten path and try to add, say, a newsletter mailing list, because the videos did not explain all the steps.  Maybe with more time, I would have figured it out, but that just was not possible with this assignment.

The source of most of my website’s text?  Lorem Ipsum Generator:


  1. I love the idea of the Lorem Ipsum Library! I took Latin in high school and I've seen that sample of text in word editors before, so it's great you've found a creative way to use them to your benefit. I share your frustration with Joomla, especially starting out. I am used to editing and adding content to my library's page (using Joomla) and once the structure of the site is there, editing is so much easier! When you're looking at a blank canvas, it's hard to find the inspiration and the technical know-how to get it looking the way you want it to. Glad you got it all worked out!

  2. I'd never heard of Lorem Ipsum before (my school didn't offer Latin, either), and so it felt like I was creating a library for some fantasy land. I'm glad to hear that once website is structured, Joomla gets easier. Since I started with absolutely no idea as to where I wanted to go with the site, I'm kind of relieved it ended up looking cohesive and coherent.
